
    2024-09-01 08:25:45    作者     浏览量:383297


  中经在线讯 悉尼当地时间8⽉9⽇,由澳中经济科技⽂化促进会、国际郑和学会与⻨考瑞怀德商会联合主办的“第四届中澳经贸峰会暨⾸届海丝郑和论坛”在悉尼新南威尔⼠州国会⼤厦成功举⾏。 

  本届论坛亮点纷呈,重量级嘉宾云集共话海丝。论坛当天恰逢新加坡共和国 59 周年国庆⽇,以“通贸天下、共赢发展”为主题,吸引来⾃澳大利亚、新加坡、中国及亚洲各地的政要、学术专家及企业家等160位嘉宾参会。嘉宾包括澳中经济科技⽂化促进会会⻓周⼤伟、国际郑和学会会⻓张露、澳⼤利亚联邦政府前贸易与投资部⻓安德 鲁·罗布、澳⼤利亚联邦议会众议员杰罗姆·拉克萨尔、澳中⼯商联合会主席苏鑫峰等。 



  国际郑和学会会⻓张露致辞中表示很高兴率代表团来悉尼参加此次国际论坛,精彩介绍新加坡国际郑和学会的成⽴背景与使命,明年是新中建交 35 周年,国际郑和学会希望以此为契机,发挥平台资源整合优势,继续推动国际⽂化经济发展合作,共同⻅证澳新中经贸和海丝与郑和论坛的丰硕成果。 





  郑和精神对世界⽂化经贸交流发展有何积极影响,会⻓张露给出了精彩答案。“新加坡作为东⻄⽅贸易枢纽,现通过⻢六甲海峡的油轮数量达到了苏伊⼠运河的三倍,巴拿⻢运河的 五倍,新加坡把东南亚与中国、印度、中东和欧洲紧密地联系起来。”张露讲到,她以郑和航海成就为例,强调海洋⽂明对促进国际⽂化经贸⽅⾯的贡献,期待国际郑和学会在推动中澳、 中新及澳新等领域⽅⾯会继续发挥平台资源优势,倡导各⽅和平共处,推动多元共赢的新未来。 


  新华社新华指数董事⻓曹占忠线上分享RCEP 区域全⾯经济伙伴协定,在国际经贸合作中的重要性,指出澳⼤利亚在⾦属矿及矿砂贸易中的关键⻆⾊,及在贸易、港口、城市三方面的研究发现。





  德国探险家、⿊⽯号打捞专家刁曼沃特法Mr. Tillman Walterfang发言,回顾了唐朝黑石号沉船在印尼爪哇海域勿里洞岛被发现和打捞的过程。打捞一条沉船,就是发掘一段历史。展示古代⽂化交流的丰富性,现在所有宝藏珍藏展出在新加坡亚洲文明博物。










  作为联合主办⽅的国际郑和学会是具有国际影响⼒的新加坡 NGO 组织,致⼒于将海丝⽂化与郑和通贸天下的⽂化精神与现代贸易相结合,共同推动国际化和多元化的经贸交流,促进中澳、新加坡及亚洲交流与发展,为合作共赢提供新的契机,为全球企业搭建多纬度的⾼效交流平台。 


  国际郑和学会与是 INTERNATIONAL ZHENGHE SOCIETY 2003 年由陈达⽣博⼠和廖建裕博⼠创⽴,现任会⻓张露博⼠为新加坡华⽂作家及海丝专家,学会主要研究宣传郑和下⻄洋的历史⽂化遗产及当代应⽤价值,⽴⾜新加坡, 放眼东南亚,链接全世界,具有强⼤的国际影响⼒,接待沟通过多位国家领导⼈,向全球展现多元⽂化的建构过程,弘扬郑和精神与海丝⽂化,是跨领域、跨种族、跨宗教、⾮营利的综合研究中心和交流推广平台。




  The 4th China-Australia Economic and Trade Summit and the 1st Maritime Silk Route Zheng He Forum were successfully held in Sydney on August 9th 2024 at the Parliament House. This was co-organized by the Australia-China Economic, Science, Technology and Culture Promotion Association, the International Zheng He Society and the Macquarrie Park Ryde Business Chamber.

  Highlights of forum include discussion with respected and influential Guests on Maritime Silk Route. Very significant to the Society 9th August is also the 59th National Day of the Republic of Singapore. The theme of forum "Trade with  World to Achieve mutual benefits". The 160 guests included  politicians, academic experts and entrepreneurs from Australia, Singapore, China and other parts of Asia. 

  Guests included David Zhou, President of the Australia-China Economic, Science and Technology and Culture Promotion Association, Zhang Lu, President of the International Zheng He Society, Andrew Robb, former Minister of Trade and Investment of the Australian Federal Government, Jerome Laxal, Member of the Australian Federal Parliament, and Su Xinfeng, Chairman of the Australia-China Chamber of Commerce.

  At the opening ceremony in the morning, Dr.Zhang Lu, president of the International Zheng He Society, said it gives her great pleasure to lead the delegation here and gave a wonderful introduction and mission of the International Zheng He Society. As next year is the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China. The International Zheng He Society hopes to take this opportunity to optimise the reach to give full play to the advantages of platform resource integration, continue to promote international cultural and economic development cooperation, and jointly witness the fruitful results of Australia-New Zealand-China economic and trade and the Maritime Silk Route and Zheng He Forum. Andrew Robb, former Minister of Trade and Investment of the Australian Federal Government said that China's economic development has made a great contribution to global prosperity and Australia is China's seventh largest trading partner; Also that both Countries 

  economic and trade are highly complementary and China's production capacity is complete and the supply chain is world-class.

  The first Maritime Silk Route and Zheng He Forum session in the afternoon had wonderful speeches by the guests, truly a feast of economic and cultural significance with a clear theme and rich content. The forum included keynote speeches with a macro perspective and with audience engaged in lively exchanges and interactions. 

  On the question of what positive impact Zheng He's legacy has on the development of world cultural, economic and trade exchanges Dr. Zhang Lu had deftly replied "As a trade hub between the East and the West, Singapore now has three times as many oil tankers passing through the Strait of Malacca as through the Suez Canal and five times as many as through the Panama Canal. Singapore closely links Southeast Asia with China, India, the Middle East and Europe," 

  Zheng He's achievements as an example, she stressed the contribution of maritime civilization to promoting international cultural and economic trade. She expected that the International Zheng He Society would continue to leverage its platform resource advantages in promoting China-Australia, China-New Zealand and Australia-New Zealand relations, advocate peaceful coexistence among all parties, and promote a new future of diversity and win-win results.

  After the Summit and Forum the Team had a variety of business meetings and visits. On the evening of the 11th, the Society and the Australia-China Chamber of Commerce jointly held a seminar on economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange; a delegation led President Zhang Lu to visit the top university, the University of Sydney, and had participated in the Australian foreign policy sharing session organized by the Australian Labor Party; and tour to  Australian Reptile Park on the Central Coast of New South Wales and Sydney's most beautiful scenery, the Blue Mountains. 

  Sydney interactions enabled in-depth understanding on how to strengthen China-Australia economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges. An valuable exchange experience for global companies and new ideas for economic and trade cooperation between China, Australia and Asia-Pacific region, opening a new chapter. 

  The forum had intensive joint coverage from media including Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, Beijing Youth Daily, Australia-China Network, Xinhua Silk Road, Chinese World View, Australia-China Entrepreneurs Club, and World Chinese Trade Union of Australia.

  As co-organizer, the International Zheng He Society,a Singapore NGO with international influence is committed to combining the Maritime Silk Route culture with Zheng He's cultural legacy of world trade and modern trade, jointly promoting international and diversified economic and trade exchanges, promoting exchanges and development between China, Australia, Singapore and Asia, providing new opportunities for true mutual benefits, and building a multi-dimensional and efficient communication platform for global companies.


编辑:侯晋平 房旭青

编审:熊 辉 王海珠



