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Activities specially dedicated to the young generation !



©️《信使》杂志| 中法纪录片《北京人,人类最后的秘密》于教科文总部首映

  当地时间12月19日晚,中法合拍纪录片《北京人:人类最后的秘密》(L'Homme de Pekin, les derniers secrets de l'Humanité)于联合国教科文组织巴黎总部首映。

  On the evening (local time) of 19 December, the biggest Sino-French coproduced documentary ever made, Peking Man: The Last Secrets of Humankind, was screened at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. 


  All the representatives of the film’s partners attended the screening together for the first time, including China Media Group (CMG), France Télévisions, 10.7 Productions (France), UNESCO and LVMH.


©️ UNESCO | 路威酩轩集团代表(左)与导演雅克·马拉特(右)发言


  In the afternoon of that day,  700 French teenagers eager to explore the origins of humanity attended a trial screening organized by UNESCO. After seeing the film, they engaged in fruitful exchanges and discussions with historians and paleontologists. This marked the first time that the film was shown under the aegis of UNESCO's education and science programmes.


  This 90-minute docufiction, as a journey through time and an incredible human story, offers a spectacular dive into the latest discoveries related to our ancestors, notably their relationships with others, nature and the environment. It unveils the latest discoveries in the heart of the prehistoric Asian jungle. 

©️ UNESCO | 中央广播电视总台台长慎海雄寄语首映晚会


  As the first documentary to depict the evolutionary history of ancient humans in East Asia, Peking Man: The Last Secrets of Humankind (L'Homme de Pekin, les derniers secrets de l'humanité) received professional support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The docufiction is written by Yves Coppens, a renowned paleoanthropologist and the discoverer of Lucypithecus; it is directed by Jacques Malaterre and filmed by Guo Daming. 


©️ UNESCO| 联合国教科文组织副总干事曲星先生在放映仪式上致辞


  As UNESCO Deputy Director-General QU Xing said in his speech at the screening ceremony, “This film doesn't just tell us about our past. Because by showing us the common origins of our humanity, it is a methodical and scientific denial of all racist speeches, all messages of hatred and discrimination. It was therefore obvious for our Organization to support this documentary, which is the fruit of great cultural cooperation between France and China, and also a promotion for the UNESCO World Heritage Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site in Beijing.” 


©️ 《信使》杂志 | 《信使》与导演雅克·马拉特、演员龚梦琳于巴黎总部

  联合国教科文组织旗舰杂志《信使》团队有幸与《北京人,人类最后的秘密》导演雅克·马拉特(Jacques Malaterre)近距离交流。法国著名导演雅克·马拉特曾执导的《人类进化史诗》(L’Odyssée de l’Espèce)享誉全球。他将计划拍摄两部与四川有关的电影:三星堆文明和发现大熊猫。

  The UNESCO Courier team had the privilege of having an exclusive interview with Jacques Malaterre, the director of Peking Man: The Last Secret of Humanity. He is renowned worldwide for A Species Odyssey (L’Odyssée de l’Espèce). Currently he has plans to shoot two films related to Sichuan: one focusing on the Sanxingdui Civilization and the other on the discovery of pandas.


  Jacques Malaterre feels this is his best work as a director, and the filming process in China has left an indelible mark on him. He expressed gratitude for the trust placed in him by China’s officials, saying, “Now I have deeply fallen in love with this great country, its magnificent people, and its splendid landscapes. May Peking Man: The Last Secret of Humanity solidify the profound friendship between China and France, and may this film allow the world to see the ancient and profound history of China.”


©️图为联合国教科文《信使》杂志1985年7月刊“What's new in archaeology?”



编审:熊辉 王海珠




