2024年世界地球日自然教育活动 | 保护地球,熊猫大使在行动

    2024-04-25 10:04:45    作者     浏览量:1641665



(English version below)

  四川省黄龙世界遗产地 – 2024年4月20日,联合国教科文组织东亚地区办事处、联合国教科文组织名录遗产地可持续旅游教席、黄龙国家级风景名胜区管理局和中山大学旅游学院携手为庆祝世界地球日举办“保护地球,熊猫大使在行动”主题自然教育活动。本次活动在“熊猫大使”可持续生计和遗产教育试点活动下举办,作为2022和2023年世界地球日遗产教育讲座的延续,旨在加强青少年对世界遗产地保护和生物多样性的意识,提升他们在参与世界遗产地可持续发展行动的能力。当地136名中学生(60%女生)参加了活动。


联合国教科文组织东亚地区办事处代表夏泽翰教授致辞 © 中山大学

Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, delivering opening remarks © Sun Yat-sen University



学生与张朝枝教授课后互动 © 中山大学

Students and Prof. Zhang Chaozhi having an interactive session after the lecture © Sun Yat-sen University


黄龙国家级风景名胜区管理局科研人员李庆忠(右一)为学生们讲解大熊猫栖息环境 © 中山大学

Li Qingzhong (lower right), Researcher at the Administration of Huanglong National Scenic and Historic Interest Area, explaining the giant panda habitat to students during field excursion © Sun Yat-sen University



2024 World Earth Day Nature Education | Protecting Our Earth, Panda Ambassadors in Action

  Sichuan, China – On 20 April 2024, UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Tourism in UNESCO Designated Sites at Sun Yat-sen University, and the Administration of Huanglong National Scenic and Historic Interest Area, and the School of Tourism of Sun Yat-sen University jointly celebrated the World Earth Day through the organization of the nature education activity “Protecting Our Earth, Panda Ambassadors in Action”. Organized under the “Panda Ambassador” Sustainable Livelihood and Heritage Education Initiative and as a continuation of the heritage education lectures on the World Earth Day in 2022 and 2023, the activity aimed to strengthen the awareness of youth on World Heritage sites conservation and eco-protection, and to enhance their ability to participate in World Heritage sustainable development. 136 local secondary school students (60% girls) participated in the activity.

  The activity comprised of a themed lecture (titled “Walking into the Giant Panda National Park, Protecting Our Earth”) by Prof. Zhang Chaozhi, Chairholder of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Tourism in UNESCO Designated Sites, and field excursion to the Danyunxia Section of the Giant Panda National Park. Through dialogue with experts and group activities, the students were able to deepen their understanding of the concept and criteria of World Heritage, as well as relevant approaches and the significance of protecting the giant panda habitat.


  Launched in 2021, the “Panda Ambassador” initiative within the framework of UNESCO – China Youth Development Foundation Mercedes-Benz Star Fund “Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites in China” Project Phase IV aims to cultivate and enhance youth participation in the sustainable development of traditional livelihoods and heritage conservation in local communities through heritage education activities. As of 2024, this initiative has produced more than 100 “Panda Ambassadors” from Sichuan and around China, through engaging them in various awareness raising and capacity building activities. Together, the initiative partners make efforts to address not only conservation and livelihoods, but also the effective transmission and communication of heritage values through heritage education.


编审:熊辉 王海珠




